This year 2020, i am very lucky to have change join a part of this Soundance Festival 2020, this time, i work with Dr. Susanne Martin and Gabi Reuter together. Dr. Martin has an idea about to make a tutorial for audience who want to understanding dance, and of course we make performance in this tutorial, what an interesting idea! According to Corona Pandemie, since march here in Germany is in a strick lock-down, that we can only make digital meeting, working on this idea. So, the result is we have this tutorial videos (actually there are 4 videos: episode I to episode IV). In this piece My Grandmother "Pang" even as a part of the dance history (episode III). Its a very special experient, instead of live performing, the contructions we built before and work together with Video maker Andrea Keiz - a great women, she did a super work on it. That are the things for me really new. Even to chose the music, directions, seeking and gathering music ideas not only a sound researcher, get the music language that "the normal audience" easy to get in. Here is the result, hopefully you have happiness and enjoy to see this video. More information about: Dr. Susanne Martin Soundance Festival
This is 2 days session recording on 3rd and 4th December 2019 in Kaohsiung Taiwan. In this sessions there are artists from very different background like dance, composition, performer, musicians from world music, experiment music, sound artists, classical chinese music, european classical music....ect.
Each session the duration is long, more than 90 minutes, there are very beautiful developement, colourful, full of tension. The first day was like more than 10 people took park (Dancers and Musicians), the second day was like 5 - 6 people. The both days show intensive moment with sounds, music, theatre. Even there are space inside. Sometimes music was like a ceremonie, especial with voice, body percussions. Sometimes the atmosphere very quiet, lovely. Or sometimes music show us full of emotions with lots of sadness. Or like a bucket of colour, or soup with several spicy. I like every moments, even there was just silent with sound of motorcycle from outside, with perfect pitch. Very beautiful! The free improvisation scene in Taiwan ist very special. Taiwanese, a big mix with very different cultures, influrences, mixture of west and east cultures. Free Improvisation has big meaning for this island, daily life can be chaos but peaceful, the warm climate and very long time colony and post-colony history make people, their behavier different. The improvisation has very authentic meaning here, not because of certain academy, jazz.... It reflects the life, the nature, the language, the roots of people. During improvisation, some words apear, some of them are very original taiwanese language with very special tune. The Ending of the session (2.4), the sound is very strong, dissonance accompany with voice, the duration is long. The silent inbetween takes even a musical part. I like this part very much, I am happy to show and share you this recording about Taiwan Free Improvisation. 15號下午在Masing家一起做的即興音樂,主題為:給鳥兒的音樂會。很久以來Masing從家裡的兩隻小鸚鵡,一對小夫妻,從觀察牠們的生活開始建立一個有趣的project,給鳥兒的音樂。以生物角度來看,什麼樣的聲音構造,音響對牠們有趣。或許我們不懂鳥兒的聽覺與生理構造,但是從當下做音樂、做聲音中可以體會在某些聲音構造中牠們有些特殊的反應(當然這些反應都在正常的鳥兒行為中:拍翅,吱吱叫等)。 正常的音樂演奏,所謂的一首曲子,有曲調,和聲進行等繁複結構在這個即興中就不被那出來,反而運用簡單的聲音元素,脈搏般的低頻節奏,物件插入樂器改造聲音,取較多木質聲音,木質與鐵質器材聲音元素,弦在空氣中震動的音頻,當然拉弓與撥弦技巧參雜。 演奏中,鳥兒興奮的反應參與在聲音即興中,非常有趣。 有關 Elo Masing 音樂 That was a great Session, a november night in south of Taiwan, Kaohiusng, already a little cold, four musicians met at Bardo Pond, a second hand music CD/Vinly store. At the 2nd floor we had our session, two very long set with Fangyi Liu - Violin, Objects, Saw YuChiao Yang - Voice, Oral traditional falktale narrator Chor Guan Ng - Theremin, Elctronic Hui-Chun Lin - Cello, Voice These 2 sets are qiuet long, both of each more than 40 minute, the music was so free between sounds, noise, music. Sometimes the music directions was from routs of each musicians, that came out barock music, comtenporary music, noise. We have a falktale narrator, Yu Chiao, he is also a tenor, background classical music, so in the 1. set we can have very creazy music scene between west and east culture, sometimes his voice turned into very cheep funny TV show actor, during some part very serious music, it brought so big tension to listen it, and has a bit great humor. I like also the 2nd set of the session. The beginning of this set was noise from air, with violin tiny rhythmen asymmetric. Slowly develop to tensions with voice, and sounds. In this set these are some part music show the very loneliness, the silent; there is part like in a dance in 16 century, but with voice that make a bit hallucination we are in very mix dementions. The mixture between Tenor and Theremin or Theremin with violin, was sometimes very similar, we heard very elegent like music even with the mixture with sounds, noise very barbarous, the electronics music that nonentity with different language speaking, that makes for listner very interesting. It might like a travel during hearing this music, like a off-time for just go with the music dreaming. This session i made was almost the first session during my long stay in Taiwan 2019/20, i am so glad to have these 3 musicians being with me to have music meeting. Ng was at that time artist in 衛武營 Weiwuying, so special chance to meet! In the meeting, we spoke a lots of our daily life, Taiwan life. Yes, politic is also a big theme from us, at that time no one can escape the big theme: Hong Kong and the big election of Taiwan president in 2020. Very funny in the recroding some words, some stories appear during the session: 尿毒症,肺炎,你聽我說一下話(just listen to me)。 And i like this recording very much!
Its a live concert recording, took place in Kaohsiung Taiwan on 23rd of November 2019. With me two musicians:
Fangyi Liu - Objects, Cochlea Lab Organizer Xiao Liu - Saxophone, Objects The concert was at Bardo Pond, Kaohsiung, a very lovly records Vinly shop, at the 1 floor. There were 2 sets that night, each set were qiuet long 60 min. each. We had lots of fun making sounds, noise, different combinations of sounds. Some times we put very high frequency sounds for a while, the mix between cello and saxophone, sounds very eery, and mix the objects sounds.(listen 1.1). I like also the quiet moment like the piece 1.1 after 21 minute, there were only pizz. with glissando, and sounds from sticks beating. Sometimes there was music with very dramatic expression, suddenly it mix with noise, metal rapping sounds. In Trak 2.1 when the saw came in to music, it changes the direction of music a lot, the sounds of saw can mix with high frequnce of Saxophone, built together very beautiful texture. At the 2nd set, again we made very long set, but inside there were several chances like ending, before someone started another idea. The music is nice to listen, take time, it is like a long journey. About the musicians: Liu, Fangyi 耳蝸 Liu, Fanyi Bandcamp about Xiao Liu 小劉 youtube from Xiao Liu |
AutorImprovisation / Performance/ Sound Arts/ Artists Meeting in Berlin Archiv
September 2024
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